Friday, August 27, 2010

Shards of Glass Dreamcatchers

I just love that concept, or just the wording of it rather. "Glass Dreamcatchers".

It just feels like it has such a deep meaning behind it, one that I cannot explain.
This is one of those pictures I saw in my head, and the finished result turned out NOTHING like I had hoped, but it has not discouraged me. Perhaps it's only another step closer to being able to transition what's in my head, onto the page.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Ahhh, finally an art related update. THOUGH I WILL FOREVER SCORN THE THOUGHT OF DRAWING COWBOY HATS, I really do love the two characters.
The two are rootin’ tootin’ gamblin’, no good sunovagun, exaggeratedly cowboy brothers.
On the left by Jak27 we have ‘Jack Of All Trades’, or simply ‘JOAT’, whose power I believe is to spawn weapons from his hands… I think, I can’t really remember. /will have to ask Jak about that./willupdatewhenIdo
On the right by me we have ‘Dealer Takes All’, or simply ‘DTA’, whose power is to have unwavering control over whomever [or whatever] he touches with his left hand. He then looses that control when he touches said person or object again with his right hand.
Quite obviously he's goofy and rather laidback. And now I wanna do some fanart of JOAT -skidaddle-
Legs nolonger exsist in my Jurisdiction
Anywho this collaboration to the right is done with KittenInk (
On the left by me is Stray. A shy, under confident, and detached youngster. He has a bit of a back story but I’M A BITCH AND NEVER DO ANYTHING WITH IT MMHMM
On the right by KittenInk is her persona, Kitt. She hates ass-flavored milk and loves rainbows. CB


I need to update this more...
Hard to see, DARN YOU CAMERA. It's my freakish dog doing freakish things to bubblewrap

Friday, October 30, 2009



I can't explain this :C

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Haha, Totemlands can really be fun.
Here's a couple screen caps from today
all art belongs to the respective owners and artists

Saturday, October 3, 2009


dumb. fikkin'. name. Long story behind it.

Character design

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jak Collab W.I.P. (BG)

I'm terribly lazy at times


Sketch and BG by me, lineart by Jak