Saturday, December 5, 2009


Ahhh, finally an art related update. THOUGH I WILL FOREVER SCORN THE THOUGHT OF DRAWING COWBOY HATS, I really do love the two characters.
The two are rootin’ tootin’ gamblin’, no good sunovagun, exaggeratedly cowboy brothers.
On the left by Jak27 we have ‘Jack Of All Trades’, or simply ‘JOAT’, whose power I believe is to spawn weapons from his hands… I think, I can’t really remember. /will have to ask Jak about that./willupdatewhenIdo
On the right by me we have ‘Dealer Takes All’, or simply ‘DTA’, whose power is to have unwavering control over whomever [or whatever] he touches with his left hand. He then looses that control when he touches said person or object again with his right hand.
Quite obviously he's goofy and rather laidback. And now I wanna do some fanart of JOAT -skidaddle-
Legs nolonger exsist in my Jurisdiction
Anywho this collaboration to the right is done with KittenInk (
On the left by me is Stray. A shy, under confident, and detached youngster. He has a bit of a back story but I’M A BITCH AND NEVER DO ANYTHING WITH IT MMHMM
On the right by KittenInk is her persona, Kitt. She hates ass-flavored milk and loves rainbows. CB


I need to update this more...
Hard to see, DARN YOU CAMERA. It's my freakish dog doing freakish things to bubblewrap

Friday, October 30, 2009



I can't explain this :C

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Haha, Totemlands can really be fun.
Here's a couple screen caps from today
all art belongs to the respective owners and artists

Saturday, October 3, 2009


dumb. fikkin'. name. Long story behind it.

Character design

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jak Collab W.I.P. (BG)

I'm terribly lazy at times


Sketch and BG by me, lineart by Jak

Monday, September 28, 2009

Jak Collab W.I.P. (sketch)

Practice for when we both work on the Hex 13 series. I sketch, she inks, I do BGs, she colors characters.
Our test subjects are Shoe [stupid name I know..] and Fawsew. They're my personal favorites of our combination characters, and are totally unrelated to Hex13.
So here's the sketch of our W.I.P.! Very messy, but Jak's able to just improvise where ever she feels she needs to.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


A sort of 'short series' I did involving some of the oldest characters Jak and I had ever made.
In fact, Kova was pretty much my first.

There was no real plot, nor story, within these comics. They basicly spawned from any funny situation that Jak and I could either think up, or have actually been through. I'd like to make more, but I aint had the gusto to make much of anything.

So here! Lose some brain cells.


The first of the series. Not much of a back story for it, the situation just sorta poped into my head and nagged until it had its way. It's probably one of my favorites of the series, as I shot for complex backgrounds and a somewhat decent panel set up.

Can't have just one! I had gotten into the spree of making one of these little skits a day. And honestly, they were really helping get the comic-making-mojo flowin'. Just another silly situation. I mean, WHO HASN'T been stranded on the toilet bowl?....-slow hand ra--ANYWAY
On to the next page yeah?
"Crime Scene"
Ahhh.. you have no idea how drawing the little broken and defeated bodies of those caterpillars will haunt my memories for years to come. This was actually baised off of an experience Jak and I had in the park.
Yeeeeears to come.
Also, I have a rather obnoxious habit of making Kova do everything with his left hand.
"The Bruises and the Bees"

This one's probably my favorite..

This one was Jak's idea. It was too good to resist~ And ooooh that vague, formless background. How sexy.
"One who is seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by joy, grief, pleasure, or pain." -definition from
Silly idea I had. Origionally wanted to give Jakro some legit speaking lines in this one, but the situation seemed better off if he was left wordless.
Hell, I'd be. I enjoy the poses and little BG details that keep it simple, but not blank.
This one was another one of Jak's ideas. Poor Jakro and his constantly shifting hair style..

Friday, September 18, 2009

Dusk the Bat:Day 4

Dusk seemed a bit more alert this morning. Glancing up at me when I opened the box, checkin' me out with a few echo-chirps. It wasn't long before I got a call from the lady coming to pick the bat up, telling me she was 45 minutes away. I chilled out with Kota, my dog, in the house for a while, then I got ready, scouped up Dusk's box from the backyard and waited out on my front step.

My tribute to the little guy. Wishing the monkey best of luck! Started out as a speedpaint, but it was completed in only a few minutes so I started adding details.

It wasn't long at all before she pulled up. Such a nice woman too! She kindly thanked me for taking care of the bat, and we disgussed bats for a little while. It's funny how I've been calling Dusk a 'little monkey' because they apparently ARE flyin' monkeys. Their DNA shares more in common with ours then rodents and such. And they're pretty darn cute if you ask me. She also gave me a little brochure, which carried a bit more info about bats and "Bat World", the sanctuary where little Dusk will be stayin'.

Check out their site here-->

Also, apparently in the next 4-5 years we may lose a few bat species. Which will throw off the ecosystem, since they're basicly the insect control of nature.

Well, Dusk's with the professionals now, so it's out of my hands. I did all that was with in my power, and even had help from Jak and her mom. Thanks again to them, I am eternaly grateful. Hopefully I can keep track and see how the little monkey's gettin' along. It's been a truely awesome week, and I'm feelin' good now.

Good luck Dusk! Here's to you little monkey!

In absolutely unrelated news!

I found a sexy jawbone in my backyard. Not sure what it's from though.

It's about the size of a cat's jaw but the canines are too thick to be from a cat. Hmm..

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dusk the Bat:Day 3


All night. ALL NIGHT LONG.

I'm not a good sleeper, and listening to little dingbat chirping all night kept me up to around 6:00. I then got up early [I dunno..9:00?], because I had this over whelming sense of dread. The thought that when I opened that box I'd find that the bat didn't make it through the night due to its injuries.
But Dusk has proven to be a tiny fighter!

Last night, while being kept awake by "CHIRPCHIRPCHIRP", I put on a yellow shirt. I wanted my own body heat to warm the shirt up so I could put it in the box with Dusk.
Jak came over again, and her mom was awesome and got some mealworms for Dusk, THANKS MA! You're the greatest! Really, that family has been the biggest support.
After playing with one of the mealworms [Jak didn't wanna touch them, BUT I SURE DID!] I proceeded to decapitate it, take the body and offer it to Dusk. Using a tweaser and leather gloves of course.
At first it didn't really want to be bothered. It was day and it kept shoving its face into the towel I had in the box, rolling around, and chattering with displeasure, but once I got one of the worms in its mouth, we could hear Dusk crunching down on it. Ate the inside of a few, but really didn't want to be bothered, and continued shoving its face into the towel [probably trying sheild its face from the light].
We left the little monkeydogmousebird to rest for a bit, leaving some mealworm bits, fresh water, and my shirt. Made sure to push the shirt up on the wall so Dusk'd be able to hang from it, and it was warm too. Then Jak and I proceeded to watch "X-Men Origins: Wolverine", and totally distroied it with logic in a fashion worthy of MythBusters.
When it started getting dark out, we checked Dusk again. It was hanging upsidedown from my yellow shirt. I used the gloves and tweasers to put the whole dish of mealworms in there for it, and we went to Jaks house for her mom's birthday.
Ma also got in contact with a bat expert, who gave my number to another bat person who's coming to my county tomarrow [LUCK PLZ!]. She's coming tomarrow afternoon to pick up little Dusk!

I checked on Dusk once again when I got home. It was hanging upsidedown from my yellow shirt, but to my suprise I saw a mealworm massacre. Little pwned bodies all over the interior of the box. Mostly nothing but skins left. It pleased me to no end to see that Dusk ate almost all of the mealworms.

Also, it didn't chatter in fear when I opened the box. Instead it just sorta glanced over its shoulder at me, and made a few content chirps. Maybe it got used to my scent from hangin' out on my shirt.

Hang in there monkey.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dusk the Bat:Day 2


I had checked the bush last night, the one where my sister and I released a grounded Little Brown Bat. It wasn't there, so my guess was that it managed to fly away.
BOY WAS I WRONG! Next morning, Gramp's tells me he found the bat again, this time by the side of the house. I must've passed it by last night without even knowin'. SO! As I had said before, I whipped out the cell and started callin' animal shelters and animal control.
Trouble is, animal control never answered, and the shelter only told me to call animal control! PLUS the vet wont take it because it's a wild animal.
What a delightful clusterfuck that was!
My grandpa assisted me in scoupin' little 'Dusk' into a box without touching it. I put a towel and cut off the bottom of a water bottle so it had a shallow water bowl in there. Want it to be a bit more comfortable at least. He's got a bit of a shelter now, so none of the cats living feral should pick it off. However without animal control, I'm at a total loss.
There's a view of that missing patch of fur on its back.

I called Jak, ,and she came over to see it. After watching her play some freakin' LSD 'Guitar Hero World Tour', we waited until dusk [Oh! Jeeze!] to let it out of the box. However, it simply scrambled about on the ground, rolling around. I'm pretty sure that any bat wouldn't think twice about flying away quickly, but little Dusk simply can't manage it. We decided it's safer to keep it in the security of the box.
Jak also brought it to my attention, that the number of falcons in our area is growing. That's cool an' all, but the falcons eat the bats, who eat the misquitoes. Now there's worry about our bat population.. NOT. COOL. I'm thinking that Dusk must have been attacked by something a bit tougher then a Jay, that missing patch of hair may be hiding a broken or dislocated bone. Its wings are fine, and crawls well, but it can't fly! So Dusk's problem somewhere I can't see it. Perhaps it's weak from hunger.

Tomarro I'm going to try animal control again. Jak's mom also gave me some useful numbers to call as well. THANKS MA!
Maybe we can buy some mealworms for the little monkey tomarrow.
It's nice to know that my friend and her family got my back on this. Everyone in my family wants me to just "get rid of it". I bet if it was a cute baby pink bunny, they'd have no problem. GUESS WHAT!

However, Gramps and possibly my sister seem to support me. Wish me luck in getting through to the stupid freakin' animal control tomarrow!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So... Grandpa found a little bat in the bushes outside the house. It's rare for them to appear around my house, as I am in an urban area and they tend to stick to the feild and park a few blocks down.
He scooped it up with a shovel I guess, and tossed it into the street. As I went downstairs, he told me about it. SO OF COURSE I HAD TO GO SEEEEEE!

Armed with a flashlight, I ventured outside and looked onto the road where I saw- nothing.
Grandpa followed me, worried for my safety or something, I dunno. He really didn't want me to touch. Which I wouldn't! ...With my bare hands anyway.

Anywho, I couldn't see any bat, but suddenly I could hear chirping from under Gramp's car. A quick glance under and BOOP!

There it was!

Cute right? It's so small, only as long as my thumb. Though it's wingspan is pretty large, and it crawls around pretty quickly.

No idea what type, I think it's called a "Little Brown Bat" or maybe a "Big Brown Bat" [woah now, don't get TOO CREATIVE on the names there] but it looks like it had a patch of missing fur between it's shoulder blades. That must be why it can't fly away. Poor thing, I'm worried about it staying in the road, but it seems to be sticking to the safety of under the car.
Poor little monkey.


Ok! I told my sister about little Dusk [name comicly suggested by my friends after a character of mine] and she, to my suprise, jumped at the oprotunity to get him off the road.
I had some thick gloves on, and scooped the little bugger up onto my hand where it clinged and refused to let go. But this allowed us to get a better view of it's back. Has a nasty little wound on his back, possibly caused by a blue jay. I do recall finding a lot of jay feathers around.

So we moved the little guy over to the side of the house under a bush.
And after all that, wasn't about to risk hurting it trying to pry it off. SO-- just left the glove there. Bat and all.
If it's still there by morning I'll call the vet.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


There's not a single cell in my body that wants to drive a car. It's not physically impossible, but I find no enjoyment behind the wheel. I hate dealing with the other people on the road too.


Jak and I were walking back to my house after we got some golden chicken fingers from HonKon. Somewhere between thinkin' of food and videogames, I thought that 'Jinx' and 'Fluke' would be cool names for combo characters. She really liked the idea, and wanted to use the name, Fluke, while I got the name, Jinx.

Then we started to disguss design. I already had a character in mind, whom I never did much with but really liked the quirks to.

Still working out the kinks. Havn't thought out any real history or flesh for the character yet.
Jak already has, really on the ball for these guys.

I dunno. Maybe tonight or tomarrow morning I'll think it out.

I've noticed that 99.9% of my characters have either white or black hair.

Probably because those are the easiest colors for me to find on any color wheel so. That's the story behind that.


I clearly have absolutely ZERO skills at photo manipulation.

But boredom is the mother of all creation, Fuck.

Resurgam, a character of mine, IRLLOLSHIT
Photos ever-so-kindly provided by -cough- google -/cough-
Some finished bits, all vary in age.
Art by me, characters belong to their respective creators
Shoe © DeepFade(myself)

Kanati © DeepFade(myself)
Kanova ©

Henry and June © NICKELODEON

Resurgam © DeepFade(myself)

Friday, September 4, 2009

This is the in progress shots of an animation I did of one of my own characters, "Resurgam". It's more of a moving picture then a movie of any sort.

She's going to be one of the main characters in a solo project I'm doing. A short comic series that I haven't even thought up a proper title for.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


First Post! Please enjoy some music played by my dog, Kota.


BUT ENOUGH DOG FOR NOW, This is a blog where I'm going to be posting art, concepts, comics, W.I.P. yaddayadda, and all that fun shit.